Besides agriculture the other thing that stands out about South Dakota are its numerous claims to world fame. Of course you know of the “world famous Wall Drug” whom starts advertising only 400 miles before its exit (I loved it by the way. If you ever stop there make sure to get one of their fresh homemade doughnuts) Then there are the lesser known, but no less notable, other world famous attractions: Corn Palace. Don’t get me started. This was actually advertised as “world’s only” corn palace. You bet your bottom I said, “thank you god for that!” Cabella’s. World’s Foremost Outfitter. I am sure there were more but its not all that safe to write while I am driving.
This is my own: South Dakota home of the worlds most informative billboards. We had: Al’s Oasis. a South Dakota Tradition; visit the Family Shine; Authentic props from Dances with Wolves movie set; and my person favorite: Dead Wood: Historic Gun fights Daily. One last one of mine: South Dakota. home of the most fantastically odd tourist traps per-capita.
Is this the co-op?
its not the Bozeman Food Coop, Mima. Geez!
its the Waldrug cafe! and that's my lunch: fries, rootbeer, and a fishwitch.
Well written article.
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