Rain accompanied me through the beginning of the day and held on until I hit New york. The scenery reminded me of North Carolina. I was thinking this as i passed under the Appalachian trail (!) and honked excitedly. Are the same mountains up here? But NY state seems more expansive than western NC like a spreading out of arms and a long exhale.
The two highlights were the accidental discovery of the Canal Day celebration (I still don't know what Canal Day was all about...) and the feast with my three beautiful cousins, aunt, uncle, two dogs and i don't know how many cats. Dinner was: fresh (and organic) local corn roasted on the grill, enough delicious Tallapia to feed an army (i had three helpings) also done on the grill; New York's own salt potatoes and Salad. Yum! Thank you Uncle Jay and Melody.
some important things i learned today:
*The Erie canal is really cool(my cousin Melissa told me a bit and i would love to know more)
*The first automatic transmission was designed for FDR (amazing tidbit from dad)
*NY is famous for salt potatoes and they are delish'. They are so good my Aunt Melody gave them out as Christmas gifts the first year she tried them
*They can make their own salt in NY state. Know how they do it?
*they now have WI-FI at all the travel plaza on the NY state through way
Sounds like you had an interesting and full day. Glad you enjoyed the feast with Jay and family. Yeah those salt potatoes are yum yum! And little did they know that you love fish so much. I'll bet you didn't expect fish so far from the ocean either!
Have a great day today.
What's wrong with the time clock on this blog.... it's 8:24 AM here.
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